Last seen: Dec 5, 2021
I do not blame him
I am sure this was on a LOT of the jurors minds. Need to keep the jury behind wall for there safety !
NOT guilty !
Several elections in Georgia were stolen !!
NOT guilty...AWESOME
If i know some one is coming to get into the house for what ever reason the shotgun with 00 buck is my first choice. IF this does not stop a person th...
I do very little shooting now. Ammo is too expensive
Great decision Judge
They need to retire ! This was very upsetting to them. This State was turned form Blue to RED. I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot more of this
Do not blame them. Should not be mandated
Sounds like LE dropped the ball ! They missed a lot of facts here
One very good question !
Turn him loose. NOT guilty as charged
Never hunted bear but should be exciting